New Earth Business Mentor

I help female entrepreneurs scale their sacred work to 5 figure months in an aligned and authentic way by:

  • Unwinding visibility blocks
  • Dissolve lifetimes of financial trauma
  • Clear money karma drama
  • Disconnect from
  • Raise your money ceiling
  • Collapse timelines
  • And align to your most optimal ascension timeline in this life time

(While I train you how to run a successful business)

About SARAH…

Sarah Lines, founder of the globally recognised New Earth School, has built a soulful 6 Figure business & co-created 5 best selling books around spirituality & entrepreneurship. With lifetimes of experience, she has mentored 100's of heart-centred entrepreneurs to ascend spiritually & enjoy their first 5 figure months in support of expanding their soul mission. When she is not running her company, you can find her reading, researching all things mystical, or cuddling up to her cats.


Trees are key pillars of the world for both humans and the environment. They benefit us by purifying water, air and creating better social conditions. They benefit the environment by providing homes for various forms of life, cooling our climate and improving our soil.

New earth School For healers, Coaches & Mystics Pty Ltd


PH: +161 478 954 202


QLD, Australia